“Carbs are not good for health”, ”Oh!!!! Carbs are my fitness enemy!!!!”, “I eat protein rich diet only with no cabs plzz!!!!”, “All carbs are bad and cause weight gain”.Well these are the common comments one keep hearing from many of our health conscious friends and this is equally the reason to make a case against them and such bigotry. We need to understand that there are six essential nutrients people need to consume through dietary source to maintain best health : vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, water and CARBOHYDRATES.By just being carb-conscious we can move away from Carbophobia and learn to provide our bodies with the right sort of carbohydrates which are packed with nutrients. A general thumb rule is to say yes to complex carb which is natural and fibre rich and say no to simple carbs. A simple choice from white bread to whole grain bread, from fruit juice to a full fruit, from chips and crisp to starchy vegetables, sweets and cakes to honey and unprocessed jaggery and sugary drinks to simple infusions can help choose us from simple to complex carbs, which are beneficial to us in many ways and kill our craving for simple carbs. Reasons to Love CarbsCarbs = FuelEven the simplest tasks such as breathing require energy, so when it comes to exercising our muscles rely mostly on carbohydrates as their main fuel. However, muscles have limited carbohydrates stores (glycogen) and they need to be replenished regularly to keep up the energy level. A low carbohydrate diet can lead to a lack of energy during exercise, early fatigue and delayed recovery. Carbs = Fibre A diet rich in fibre will help us stay fuller for longer, keep our digestion healthy and reduces the likelihood of weight gain. The fact is humans these days does not even take half of recommended fibre intake (30 g per day), avoiding grains can be a major wrong choice. It is always great to rather than cutting carbs out, to switch to wholegrain versions. A wholegrain unpolished rice is always a better option to white rice. It has twice higher fibre content and is richer in B vitamins with other nutrients intact.Carbs Make Us Happy Even if you are sat behind a desk all day, not physically moving, your brain still requires fuel. The brain uses glucose (component of carbohydrate) as it’s main energy source. If you restrict your carbohydrate intake you will find it difficult to concentrate and may experience severe mood swings. Also, researchers suspect that carbs promote the production of serotonin, a feel-good brain chemical. Cutting Carbs Is Unsustainable Cutting carbs completely, (essentially what a ketone diet is) is firstly highly unsustainable and secondly, it’s a medical intervention which should only be used for specific health condition such as epilepsy. Although you may experience initial weight loss, most people are unable to maintain this which leads to the weight piling back on.A balanced diet, with diversity, and practice of portion control along with physical activity can give a sustained good health. No food can be excluded to achieve ‘health’. It is all about balance and moderation. ;
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